Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reflection Paper 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reflection Paper 3 - Essay Example Such, the qualitative nature of autobiographical narration and research and research is more appropriate in experiential studies such as an immigrant’s difficult acculturation process in his or her host country because it brings voice and feelings to the immigrant that could impact research and the general public. 2. Discuss three (3) factors that negatively influenced how the author interacted with (or how she was treated) in her new society, and two (2) factors that helped to make her experience more positive. Make specific references to details from the article. Language was the initial most difficult handicapped that the author experienced in her acculturation to her new society. Not that she does not know to read and speak in English, only that she was not a native speaker to it and naturally, she had difficulty in understanding both the verbal and non-verbal cues of the language. In class, she had difficulty understanding the lecture of her professors and this affected her taking down downs. More often, she had to translate it in her vernacular Armenian so that she can understand it right away but when there are concepts or words that she cannot understand the language equivalent, she has to draw a corresponding picture about it. In studying her lessons, she has to read her notes several times before really understanding her lecture. As a result, it took her more effort to study her class than a native speaker would do because of the language barrier. During the author’s adjustment period, there are many aspects in American culture that she cannot understand. She did not understand why students have to wear in shorts when they come to class, student’s apparent disrespect of continued talking despite the professor already walked in class, slamming of doors, public display of affection, etch. The outbreak of the Iran hostage
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The live concert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The live concert - Essay Example I love going to the symphony due to the fact that the music has more quality than any other type of live music I have ever attended. The magic Flute,†Mozart’s timeless comic opera is all about young love which features some of the composer’s most wonderful music. Some critics argue that some parts of the show are really silly, but the fact is Mozart wrote really fun comic music that’s filled with the infectious enthusiasm of two teenagers who are in love for the first time. The part I enjoyed most was when the magic flute was being played, because it was intense where the artist showed all his energy and passion in order to bring Pamina, a character in the comedy, to him in process charming even the wild animals to him. The Arizona symphony orchestra is a vital part of community resource that plays a role in uniting performers and audiences through their passion for music. It’s also acknowledged through presenting world premieres, seldom performed t reasures and classical gems. Founded in 1979, it holds an important place in the world of symphonic music. In the concert the band had a cast of more than 100 students, 40 to 50 actors/ singers, a dozen dancers and another 40 musicians in the pit. The band is under the leadership of Music Director, Dr. Thomas Cockrell, one of the most experienced conductors of his generation. The band performs at the Crowder hall, where people from all walks of life come to enjoy the symphony through art, comedy and live music presentation.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Apple Inc After Steve Jobs Commerce Essay
The Apple Inc After Steve Jobs Commerce Essay The purpose of this assignment and the selection of Steve Jobs case study draw in many features of leadership theories and works connected with Jobs Apple or his business activity. His leadership tells again one further thing that sometimes successful leaders may divide into two camps the whole world : some adore the leader and others cannot stand him. This sensation is not so unusual as example of Margaret Thatchers political leadership and many military leaders over the centuries. Apples success made Steve Jobs a successful leader and the main thing is Jobs personal creation is Apple. During his time there were Bill Gates and Michael Dell who were fabulously successful in different parts of the IT business, but Jobs Apple was among the three brands, always the most inventive, the idiosyncratic, maybe even the imperturbable brand. By this time, many of us already learned, heard, read and watched about Steve Jobs many contributions to the society, his achievements on many accounts. Consumers passions about Steve Jobs and the Apple are rare in the business world. In Soho I was passing by an Apple store not long ago and found flowers and hundreds of post it notes from so many expressing gratitude to Steve Jobs. As Mr. Walter Isaacson, his biographer and others have pointed out that however, Steve Jobs was beyond perfection. Anyway, his leadership and management style, in particular is my main concern. Most of us by this time know that Steve Jobs could be egotistical, autocratic, and harsh. Yet he was a great leader. So, this overturns some management writers claims and thoughts todays business leaders need to be nice, kind, humble (Level 5 leadership), and practice servant leadership? I think the contradiction about leadership can be clarified by two sets of aspects. One we need to recognize the situational leadership. In some circumstances one style could work properly but that might not work in some others at all. Ambiguity or the surprise matter always there while claims being made about the behaviour and the characteristics of the universal leadership. Woking overseas and leading cross functional global teams definitely recognize leadership needs to be adapted culture specific. Mr. Jobs leadership not mentioning his genius activities was a key part in the success of Apple. If he had used another style, might not be able to achieve the glorious success at Apple. The other one is apart from arrogance style of Mr. Jobs he had some great executive leaders qualities visionary, risk taker, emotional stability, openness to experience, and highly focused, committed or persistent, passionate and positive attitude. Not only he dived into his vision, he made sure companys everyone brought into that created for the company a higher purpose which excited really the company employees. His products and passions of course were legendary in Apple. He established trust among company members not as a founder but in marketing and product design. Leadership and Organisational Behaviour Issues Section # 2 Leadership Organisational Behaviour Issues To understand the attached case studys key aspect module Organisational Behaviour, I have done a detailed research on Apple Inc. policies, leadership strategies etc. Balanced Scorecard Institute defined the balanced scorecard which is a management and planning system used to bring into line business activities to the vision and the organisations strategy, communications (internal external) improvement, and against strategic goals monitor organisational performance. Most organisations, to bring effective changes use the balanced scorecard. But APPLE INC. doesnt implement the scorecard for operating changes but uses for long term performance. It focuses on various categories of measurement in the following order Financial Perspective Shareholder Value Customer Perspective Market share and customer satisfaction Internal Process Perspective Core Competencies The Innovation and Improvement Perspective The three wide-ranging Organisational Behaviour aspects have been taken i.e. Leadership, Motivation, and Change Management to identify whether Apple Inc. is following a good strategy or any possibility of improvement or any requirement of complete change. Especially the focus is more or less orbited around the Apple Inc.s CEO Steve Jobs throughout the report and the way he be able to manage and motivate the Apple Inc.s employees Leadership Through the case study and because of Steve Jobs I deeply researched and found on crisis moment Apple called him and simply Steve Jobs turned the things around and took the organisation at top level, honestly I got charmed by this man. His leadership styles sets for everyone example, he is visionary and transformational leaders role model. For example the price of Apple share 2% fell on Steve Jobs illness rumour in 2008. Because of some power struggles internally, Apple forced Steve to leave his job in 1985 and after that nearly one decade Apple was in serious crisis. In 1996 financial losses was reaching $81600000 and in 1997 it was $1 billion and instead of $70 per share (1991) it became $14 per share. In 1997 March issue Fortune Magazine described Apple as Silicon Valleys paragon of dysfunctional management. (Woods, 1997). Later Apple appointed Steve Jobs as the CEO and everything started changing even Apple is much ahead than rivals HP, Dell, Microsoft etc. and posited or ranked sixth in the list of reputable companies. In spite of his all achievements, Steve always been encircled with arguments. Beside the concern of the products of Apple, he is looked up as a business idol. Transformation leadership consists of charisma, motivation (inspirational), stimulation (intellectual) and consideration (individual). Everybody knows that Steve Jobs had these all qualities except the last one consideration (individual). He had a perfection achieving phenomenal hunger and acted as a one man army to reformed computing system. From his past as well as the past of Apple we can see his greatness. Todays the digital image of the society is enhanced by the Apple i.e. Steve Jobs. During 1985 to 1997, successfully he transformed Pixar into a successful speculation. Only lack was Steve Jobs liked secrecy. Apple builds trust but never talked about their forthcoming products. They always talked about their achieved things and this behaviour effects a lot to the Apple Inc. employees. His arrogant and top-down approach is not going to work according to William C. Taylor (Harvard Business Review, 2009) With an excellent speech ability and superb fascinating influence over the audience and his employees, Steve Jobs is a very powerful charismatic leader. He made his employees enthusiastic by the charismatic power and convinced customers to buy Apples products. Apart from his charismatic power he is also known as devious, rude and corrupt. He did not respect individual, employees scared him, though its perfection quest but still shows his consideration for individual is low to some extent. He made his employees better but not to be easy on them. Survey in 2008 shows that employees were not enough satisfied with their bonus and compensation level but they had towards the products and the policies of the company full passion. Steve Jobs tremendous qualities of charismatic power, Apple outperformed others primarily in the business market. Though charismatic leadership power matched with him but his individual consideration does not go with him. In this respect my doubt goes whether Steve Jobs is a charismatic leader or a personalised leader more. Motivation The purpose and direction of behave is the psychological process which is referred by the Motivation. An organisation will be benefitted if the employees are motivated by effective productivity though its a very complex task as motivation keeps on changing. In 2010, Glassdoor results show clearly that Apples employees are respectful to their boss and are motivated. A few years before and the present Apple if compare, anyone can easily realise that Jobs was outstanding to get his employees commitment properly that proved Apples employees motivation. When excellence expected then employees need not be told anything said by Steve Jobs in 1989, initially needs to coach them. The motivation model of the Maslows hierarchy of needs (1943) describes that the needs can be classified into these stages (including last need being basic need most). SELF ACTUALISATION Doing what best you can do ESTEEM NEEDS Self-respect and respect from others BELONGING Acceptance and being part of something SAFETY NEEDS Physical and Psychological security PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS Hunger, Thirst, Rest etc. Esteem , Belonging and Self Actualisation needs are as highlighted is that according to me, these are the underperformances in the Apples motivation level for employees. Apple never put hard gear on the employees motivation as they never knew what company coming up with next. They are restricted to go from one department to another by using electronic badges as terrorists. Jobs kept software and hardware department separate and set in different buildings. Steve Jobs always looking for perfection, a notorious manager, instead of motivate he used his stick. This definitely is not followed the Maslows hierarchy of needs. Steve Jobs was an autocratic as he wanted people to listen to him. Though innovation is part of the involvement of the employees but this theory had a doubt on Apples innovation. Definitely it conflicts with the Self Actualisation Stage of Maslows hierarchy. In 2006, Roderick Kramer wrote for Harvard Business Review, a certain degree of forcefulness might prove to be useful when it comes to handling intractable problems. So, Steve jobs always worked on his own way and delivered fabulous results does not mean that his ways is the right way. Because its not about Steve Jobs, its the question about Apple Inc. So, therefore the way Jobs worked is not the right way. According to an insider Steve was acute with his employees, made them cry but also most of time he was right. His viewpoint was exceptional and he had no asshole rule, he was tyrant in his workplace but if employees not fully pleased then things not going to work same way in future. Change Management The development of an organisation depends on Change Management, a set of behavioural science-based theories, values and strategies. It is not an easy job. W Pasmore in 2010 said that many leaders failed to make operating and critical changes to led the organisation. Apple like many other big companies gained mastery in this matter. Not only Apple Inc. comes up with new and innovative technology but also the implementation of the financial figures of them vastly accepted all over the world. Steve Jobs has many reasons to be successful in change management and out of those understanding and anticipation of customers requirement most. Change Management helps an organisation to take from one level to the next level by treating Employees as Focus Group. Steve doesnt rely on focus groups, instead he is a steady believer that customers themselves dont know their requirement. Without asking them he has a strong understanding ability and can anticipate his customers call. So he treats as focus group his own employees and without any customer intervention makes the decision. By giving such huge importance to the employees, the employees themselves feel a part of the change. Thus he gains the employee loyalty very easily. The products like iPod, iPhone, and iTunes are great examples that prove his expertise in understanding the customer needs. Every individual thinks own way differently and has got own different insights and assertiveness in life. So, therefore, its not possible to get 100% support from all the employees. Rather, to accept and adapt to change, they need to be motivated and inspired enough. Jobs chooses team members by selecting multiplier factor of excellence. He believes that the extraordinary designers, engineers and managers are not only better than the good ones by 10 or 20 % but 10 times better. He feels that outstanding products come from their contributions. Eliminating Fear of Change: Over time, Steves leadership has made the organisations mantra, together with its distribution and channel partners. While iTunes launch, people thought it might change the entire music industry. With the charismatic ability Jobs eliminated the fear of change, and they achieved their 100% contribution and iTunes in the music industry made a revolution. Managing Changes in Distribution Strategy: the whole distribution strategy might be disrupted at time by the innovation and Apple faced the problem on their iPod launching time. They made good relation with big box stores like Wal Mart, Target etc. before introducing them in the consumer electronics industry. For distributing digital music iTunes also built a complete new distribution strategy successfully and thats the way Apple overcome the changing problem in distribution strategy. Analytical Framework and Evaluation Section # 3 Analytical Framework Evaluation Most business leaders expect to touch the level Steve Jobss did before he died in October 2011. He is the legendary visionary player one in a century. He is a dynamic and controversial leader and his success totally relied upon his innovation capabilities. During time the legacies left by many other protruding leaders become clear. However, we already by today have tremendous clarity of Jobss leadership. Because of the masterful biography of Walter Isaacson, we know that Jobs pursued former CEO of CNN and managing editor of Time Isaacson, for five years (Jobss determination example in the book first among many), and then of course a much rarer incidence giving a free hand to him, promising: Its your book. I wont even read it. Certainly Steve Jobs was a wayward and ambitious leader, and his innovation, commercialization and services to the society through Apple Inc. changed the way of life styles of many of us and developed truthfully great ways for computing, publishing, movies, music, and mobile telephony industries. His way or style of leadership is complex, risky, committed and charismatic to convince customers and employees on his aspiration. Though he is greatest business executive of the era but he was critical, tyrant one. All too often he was the antithesis of the servant leader model popularized in the 1990s (the giving, caring organizational mentor who in many ways contrasted with the hero model of a century prior). Not only at Apple Inc. but at NeXT and at Pixar, he seeded powerful culture. He created a place where motivated people make great products. He had fascinating and perplexing leadership. Personally and professionally he fell in and out of love with people easily. Because of his great talent he created extraordinary skilful organisation but he missed many peoples potential contribution. In question of teamwork, he always challenged to do beyond the possible. So, a few strong people cope with this challenge to keep remain the pride but many others usually become frustrated. In a way this is a loss of encouragement and emotional effect as the theme comes up A players and B players. Then the misrepresenting habit of Steve Jobs in reality for fulfilling his purpose together with the intolerance, condemnation, and unfriendliness that often accompanied it. In one sense Steves version could create a compelling vision of what might be. Could observe his fostered cultures at his company Apple Inc. even though he was not with Apple for 10 years but his underlying essence of the culture which he had established somehow stayed alive. But on another sense, Steve Jobss criticism, unfriendliness and arrogance could be extremely estranging, which actually shattered his credibility, particularly the way he used it to terminate a hopeful impression or a determination as a piece of crap. The way Apple Inc. worked on last decade was a way to sink a company. It successfully did everything because of Jobs extraordinary talent at foreseeing and providing revolutionary products and services. His ability to originate for his customers in a way few leaders had done before obliged as a liniment to his bad-tempered personal style. There will be really few countable top leaders who pay much attention on design detail and other things of products as Jobs did. Without counting cost efficiency or sales volume or even the profit, Steve Jobs always measured the consumer appeal, functionality and simplicity of products. That attention was the vital part of his organisation Apple Inc.s strategic and marketing capabilities. Steve Jobs was alike Walt Disney and Edwin Land an entrepreneurial leader in these respects and he admired both of them. Jobs without any hesitation always declared that without showing what they want, customers do not know their requirements. Indeed, not infallible but he remarkably was able to develop products that consumers would buy and enjoy, as well as the self-reliance, audacity, and ambition to bring them to life. According to Isaacson, a blue collar mechanic and his adoptive father Jobs genius for imaginative leaps [that] were instinctive, unexpected, and at times magical Time goes on and Steve Jobs became a better leader of people. Though he never liked to live on his own shortcomings, Isaacson in 2007 quotes a statement revealing a somewhat unenthusiastic, even concealed sense of an imperative flaw. Because Steve Jobs and Woz were not good enough in making partnership with people but based on doing the whole banana they started the company, he said of Apples design philosophy. Only God knows if he could have some more time, he might be able to less the gap difference between his leadership DNA and the Apple Inc.s one. Conclusion and Recommendations Section # 4 Conclusion Recommendations If consider the Apple Inc. financial results then people might remark that most of the things in the company are going quite well. But the above entire analysis explains that a lot of loopholes are inside the functions of Apple Inc. which have need of a subterranean thought. All over the world millions of people were considering Steve Jobs as an idol but side by side his attitudes, arrogance or behaviours questions straightway whether he can be symbol as a transformational leader truly or should level him as a personalised leader. Definitely if someone think that Apples innovative products are a result of employee involvement and motivation then the idea is totally wrong. After getting the critical analysis of the motivation levels according to the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs help, it could be easily explainable that the sequentially described top three needs levels go uncertain in Apple employees case. But there is no doubt on the question that Apple has mastered in the concept of ch ange. Whether it is about training the employees for change or it is about managing the changes in distribution strategy, Apple has successfully managed changes both within as well as outside the organisation. My recommendations to the company, particularly to Steve Jobs, are: No wonder apple has no match in its innovation. But things can further improve provided that employees are given more freedom to express their thoughts. Moreover, if instead of Stick, Jobs can manage with some positive motivation, it can do wonders for the company as far as employee loyalty is concerned. Steve Jobs, undoubtedly, is a fantastic charismatic leader. The analysis in the report clearly shows that the charisma of Steve Jobs has single handed taken the company to such heights. But Apple needs to think beyond Steve Jobs. The company should start focussing more on its future, for which it is really important that the other members of the organisation also start scratching their heads and reduce their dependency on one man. According to The June 11, 2012 issue of Fortune, at present the employees of Apple Inc. seems more than satisfied with Mr. Cook who often sits down with the Apple employees randomly at lunchtime whereas typically Jobs dined with his design chief. Employees used to loved, admired and feared Jobs but the way Cook treating his employees is the way employees expect to interact with their CEO. According to a University of Iowa study one statement easily can be perceived for Apple Inc. that no co-worker or colleague would be supportive or friendly with an abusive or critical boss like Steve Jobs, they will tolerate the behaviour of the boss as long as he is productive. At present all over in North America, current and aspiring executives either quoting what Steve Jobs said, but would urge others by criticizing them by the caution that Steve Jobs wouldnt do that. One thing is for sure, bringing up the next generation of leaders to emulate Steve Jobs leadership style will take our organizations, if not our society, backwards. Interestingly, Jobs may not be the incarnation of an effective leader in a way, he was far from being a conventional text-book example. Nevertheless, his captivation, self-confidence and thirst for work outshine all his imperfections, making him one of most successful CEOs of the decade.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Frivolous lawsuits Essay example -- Legal Issues
Do you remember the lawsuit about the woman who ordered the McDonald’s coffee and spilled it in her lap and sued McDonald’s because it did not have a warning label on it? What about the woman who fell in the fountain at the mall while texting and wants to sue the mall? These lawsuits may seem fairly farfetched. They fall into the category called frivolous. Black’s Law Dictionary defines frivolous as lacking a legal basis or legal merit; not serious; not reasonably purposeful (Garner, 2006). When people pursue such lawsuits as these it costs money. â€Å"The civil justice system is plagued by high ‘transaction costs,’ meaning that it is both expensive and time consuming to use the courts to resolve disputes†(Ruschmann, 2006, p. 60). Frivolous lawsuits should not be taken seriously. People should not be awarded money for things that they caused themselves, and they should not cost courts and consumer’s time and/or money. There are many steps to go through once you decide to file a lawsuit. Many Americans suffer from injuries but only a small percentage of them file a lawsuit because many of them have valid claims but they have little money. Sometimes when plaintiffs, the person filing the lawsuit, go to trial there is a lot of money that has to be spent up-front. â€Å"Taking a large case on a contingency fee and advancing all the out-of-pocket cost is a very expensive proposition†(Bourhis, 2005, p. 76). Lawyers have created the contingent-fee arrangement. This is where â€Å"a lawyer agrees to take a case without any money up front and without requiring the client to pay an hourly or flat fee. In return, the lawyer is entitled to receive a percentage of the actual amount of money collected, generally 33 percent, but sometimes 40 percent if ... ...ceived potential for a large payout. Three percent of product liability trials involved toxic substances, including tobacco. Three tobacco product liability trials were disposed of a national sample in 2005. All three of these trials were decided by juries that ruled in favor of the defendants. Toxic substances were linked as 346 of the 354 product liability trials (Cohen, 2009). Tort reformers believe that courts must reduce the ability of defendants’ liability in order to avoid economic decline. In the years to come, the proposals likely to generate the biggest dispute include malpractice and class-action reform, limits on noneconomic and punitive damages, and a legislative solution to asbestos legation (Rushmann, 2006). There are many lawsuits. But the frivolous lawsuits should not be taken seriously and not cost our courts and citizens time and/or money.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Lizzie Borden
Took an Ax Hot summer day In 1892, August 4, at Second Street, Fall River Massachusetts, hired girl Bridget was resting in her room when the daughter of Andrew Borden screamed for help calling Maggie come down! At the time Border's called Bridget a Maggie. When Maggie came down from her room, she saw Andrew Borden had been killed horrifically. Andrew Borden was a richest man In Fall River director, landlord, and was a banker. At the time he was living with his second wife and two daughters. He was taking a nap on the sofa when he was hit with an axe.It was on its right side n the sofa, his feet were still resting on the floor. Andrews head was bent slightly to the right and his face had been cut. One eye had been cut in half and was protruding from his face that nose had been severed. His wife Baby was on the floor of the guest room upstairs killed by same hand with same weapon that was used when the elderly man was sleeping. This was the most horrific and dastardly killing in Massac husetts history ever. Baby was a short, shy and was an obese woman. Border's had been slain by sharp tool that Mrs..Borden head was kicked with sharp instrument over eighteen times, thirteen of them crushed through the skull, Mr.. Border's body was mutilated and had eleven strokes In the head, four of them crushed the skull. Liege Borden case is one of the mysterious and interesting cases for people who interested in crime for centuries. In American history very few cases attracted much attention as Andrew and Baby Border's case. This murder case was found not guilty of gruesome killing of two people. The morning of the murder began with Bridget- Maggie started her duties at 6. 5. At 10. 55 Maggie went up to her room to rest. Between 6. 15-10. 55 numbers of things happened like Uncle John and Andrew have had breakfast together etc. Liege who was at home during these hours went in to yard or barn for about twenty to thirty minutes. She later said in the trial that she went to barn to some metal for fishing sinkers and also Intended to Join Emma at Fairness and to do some fishing. When she returned at 1 1:10, she found her father dead. The trial lasted fourteen days, from June 5, 1893, toque 20, 1893.After a day to select the jury twelve middle-aged farmers and tradesmen were the juries and the prosecution took about seven days to present its case. Liege was supported by religious organizations but some hated her and believed she did the horrible killing. There were four people as a suspect. One week into the investigation local authorities arrested Liege Borden and indicted her for the murder of her parents. Newspapers and media heard about the horrific killing and were covering the trial and news. Often they would name the case as Notorious killing of wealthy family etc.Local newspapers of Massachusetts and Rhode Island were covering the whole events with titling the paper â€Å"Shocking Crime: A Venerable Citizen and his Aged Wife Hacked to Pieces In their H ome†. These newspapers had different story about who committed the crime and why. They were covering the testimonials In the newspaper bout five to SIX pages. Lezzy was the primary suspect because; Fall River drug store owner has told that Liege went into the store to purchase some deadly poison and didn't get along. Also newspaper like New York Times also published few newspapers after the trial ended.Whole story of the murder was shocking the nation. How can she do such a crime or she hated her step mother that she had killed them in angered rage etc. Police came to conclusion that murder have committed by someone within the Borden, but they were lacking the evidence such as blood that it was only on the bodies of the victims, also they didn't find the murder weapon. In November grand Jury met and after the first refusing to issue an indictment, the Jury reconvened and heard new evidence from Alice Russell, a family friend who stayed with the two Borden sisters in the days f ollowing the murders.Russell told grand jurors that she had witnessed Liege Borden burning a blue dress in the kitchen fire allegedly Liege explained her action simply because the dress was covered with old paint. The earlier testimony from Bridget Sullivan that Liege was wearing a blue dress on the morning of the murders, the evidence was enough to convince grand jurors to indict Liege for the murders of her parents. However, Jury returned with verdict saying Liege is not guilty, because there is not one particle of direct evidence in this case from beginning to end against Liege A.Borden. There is not a spot of blood; there is not a weapon that they have connected with her. As a suspect Liege probably had very difficult time whether she killed her parents or not. Every suspect goes through difficult treat from the society. Liege Borden was a girl who had whatever she wanted because of her rich father. Some people didn't believe that she was capable of the killing because the backg round that she has. After the trial Liege and her sister Emma returned to Fall River and purchased a big home they called Manipulator.She was interested in acting so often she would take small roles in act or play, and she continued to live in Fall River until she died at the age of 67. Borden saga never ended until these days. However, Liege was imprisoned for about 10 month during her trial. When she was in the cell, she was catered with meals, letters and visits from her sister and friends. That people thought of it as wealthy people always gets treated better than normal working class.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Essay
Subject: Human trafficking is the illegal trade in persons used for reproductive slavery, sexual exploitation, forced labor, organ removal, and other forms of slavery. In Argentina, it is a crime punishable by law, however the country continues to be a source and hub for trafficking. Executive Summary: Human trafficking is an international crime, and a violation of human rights; however, it is a felony that is still committed frequently throughout the international community. The issue stems from a lack of communication between provincial and federal governments, as well as the lack of tri-border control. In order to combat this, government officials and law enforcement officers need to be educated on the red flags of human trafficking. There also needs to be more funding and support for legal systems and organizations advocating to end human trafficking. Additionally, there needs to be more border control on the three borders that surround Argentina. Discussion: According to the  Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking, trafficking is defined as â€Å"the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability†(UNODC). Trafficking is not limited to sexual exploitation; practices include: forced labor or services, slavery, servitude, or the removal of organs. This is an ongoing issue because the United Nations as well as individual countries have laws against these crimes but no one to ensure that the laws are being followed. In Argentina, human trafficking is now part of the political agenda because of its link to organized crime. Official policy in Argentina has made progress in dealing with human trafficking, they have signed and ratified all UN conventions and protocols dealing with human trafficking as a crime. In 2000, Argentina signed the â€Å"Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children†, this supplemented the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNODC). The protocol was later ratified in 2002, however there is still progress to be made because the number of people being trafficked it still high. In 2010, more than 600 women were abducted in 18 months, â€Å"for each known case there are 6 others which remain invisible†(Pichà ©). Argentina is a central point for human trafficking trade; men, women, and children from northern and rural areas are forced into prostitution in urban centers or wealthier provinces in central and southern Argentina. Many of those trafficked through the triple frontier are destined for the illegal labour market in Argentina. However in Argentina, it is estimated that 90 percent of the trafficking victims are sexually exploited women. Additionally, women from Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic are subjected to trafficking in Argentina. According the United States Department of state, â€Å"in 2011 the number of labor trafficking victims identified was over three times the number of sex trafficking victims identified during the year†(Trafficking). Argentina has consistently attracted migrants from Latin American regions seeking better economic opportunities. There are about 2 million immigrants from Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. Illegal immigration fuels the trafficking business because they are smuggled into the country, and they are easy victims for trafficking rings (Project Protection). At the same time, Argentineans from the northern provinces are at high risk for trafficking because of extreme poverty, lack of education, and access to health services. Police in the northwestern province of Jujuy have received more than 50 reports of missing young women since September 2005. Most of these women have gone to see about jobs and were never seen again (Project Protection). Most end up in major cities and tourist areas Corruption within the police force has also prevented Argentina from decreasing trafficking rates in the country. It has been reported that police officials have participated in criminal activities related to trafficking, which thwarts government efforts to prevent trafficking from happening. According to a report released by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, authorities are currently investigating over 75 federal officials who have been removed from their positions after turning a blind eye to trafficking related problems. However as of 2011, the government did not prosecute or convict any government officials involved in human trafficking. Officers have looked in the other direction when coming across sex and labor trafficking activity, or tipped off brothel owners about raids coming up. The Argentine government has made progress over the past few years collecting data and stopping human trafficking. Over the past year, the government has reported and recorded the number of trafficking victims found, and implemented protocols and guidelines to eliminate trafficking, the country has increased prosecutions and convictions of trafficking. Further, the Argentine government funded five shelters to set up throughout the country as safe-havens. Part of the progress made is due to one of the most well known cases in Argentina, the case involving Marita Veron. Maria de los Angeles Veron (Marita) went missing in 2002, when she was kidnapped. A few days later she was seen escaping from a house, but was taken on to a bus where she was never seen again. Her mother launched a campaign to find her daughter, and soon became a symbol of the fight against human trafficking in Argentina. The Ministry of Security reported identifying about 1,000 victims, most of these victims being brought into Argentina from other countries such as Paraguay and Bolivia. A majority of human trafficking cases reported are reported as forced labor cases however, recently their have been more sex trafficking cases than labor cases. The quality and legal treatment of the victims varies from region to region, and many provinces lacked resources to care for trafficking victims, especially those in forced labor trafficking situations. Once the initial testimony is recorded, it is up to the Secretariat for Childhood, Adolescence, and Family (SENAF) of the Ministry of Social Development to provide follow-up care and assistance alongside the provincial authorities. The government officials in each province, as well as SENAF officials should have greater access to resources needed to provide the best care possible to human trafficking victims. According to the NGO, the office’s effectiveness in providing sufficient care for human trafficking victims is consistently questioned based on flawed data reports and the inability to provide service to the victims. Poor coordination among officials in Argentina is preventing the human rights laws from being as effective as they could. The lack of communication between the federal and provincial governments continues to hinder the effectiveness of anti- trafficking efforts. In many provinces, there is limited or no funding for the provincial and local efforts working to combat human trafficking in their area which creates an issue in making sure victims receive the proper care. Authorities reported funding campaigns for public awareness and public service announcements about trafficking. These PSA’s are being shown on long distance buses and aired on television, but until the country receives the proper funding, support for legal systems, the human trafficking problem will continue. In December 2010, the new Ministry of Security attempted to coordinate the efforts of different federal law entities, create a database system for human trafficking crimes, and establish protocols with other ministries to strength federal-level collaboration. NGO’s also targeted the Ministry of Security, government officials, and federal law officers in order to improve the enforcement of human trafficking laws in Argentina. Specialized services for trafficking victims remain uneven across the country; competing mandates and lack of coordination between federal and provincial authorities caused delays in some investigations, and significant allegations of trafficking-related complicity of government officials at the local and federal level prevented more comprehensive anti-trafficking efforts. With the corrupt police force, and lack of funding, Argentina will never be able to successfully implement the programs. NGOs and some officials asserted that poor coordination among the federal and provincial governments continued to hinder the effectiveness of anti-trafficking efforts, as did limited or nonexistent funding for provincial and local efforts to combat trafficking. The Argentine Government, in collaboration with the International Organization of Migrations, has recently published a report on human trafficking. The report identified crucial gaps in the fight against human trafficking that need to be addressed: 1. The lack of qualification of judiciary personnel and the lack of knowledge concerning the dynamics of human trafficking networks and international and national laws and treaties. 2. The lack of security along the Tri-Border area. 3. The lack of human and material resources to carry out adequate investigations. 4. The absence of programs for the middle and long-term assistance to the victims and lack of protection for the witnesses. The biggest issue for Argentina comes from the Tri-Border area. Along the border between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, young prostituted children and adolescents can be seen on the streets of towns such as Puerto Iguazu, Argentina; Foz do Iguazu, Brazil; and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. After years of debate within the Senate in Argentina, a law was passed to â€Å"prevent trafficking in persons, protect victims of trafficking, and punish perpetrators of human trafficking†(Project Protection). Under the new law, prison sentences were established for those convicted of participating in the recruitment, transportation, or reception of people for the purpose of sexual or labor exploitation. The law provides protective measures for victims of trafficking, and gives victims the right to free psychological, medical, and legal assistance, in addition to the right to privacy. The Organization of American State has closely watched Argentina’s anti-trafficking efforts. the Argentine government has partnered with an institute in Buenos Airs to create incentives in urban areas for companies that obey the country’s labor laws. Based on the issues identified above, it is recommended that the Argentine government uses a multilateral approach to stop trafficking. Recommended action : In order for Argentina to successfully combat human trafficking at a national level, the government needs to continue to implement the anti-trafficking law with increased efforts to investigate, prosecute, convict, and punish trafficking offenders, including public and police officials who are involved in trafficking crimes. An increase in funding for victim assistance, particularly through shelters and specialized services, on a local and national level would also be beneficial to stopping internal trafficking. There should be continued education for law enforcement officials, public figures, a judiciary actors to know how to stop a trafficking ring. To prevent trafficking in individual provinces in Argentina, the government must develop and implement protocols for provincial officials to identify and assist trafficking victims. Continued investigations of labor trafficking in urban and rural areas of Argentina, and holding companies whose supply chains benefit from labor trafficking accountable for their actions. The government needs to have better communication between the federal and provincial officials to develop and national anti-trafficking plan, and continue to raise awareness nationwide. The multilateral approach to educating and preventing trafficking in Argentina involves an agreement between the Defense Ministry, and the Buenos Aires provincial Education Ministry. This partnership would create protection by educating military and law enforcement officials, in addition to students to be aware of the human trafficking issue, and how to prevent and protect themselves. The final solution is better border control across the tri-frontier. The geography already creates an area that is hard to protect. It is hard to monitor traffic coming in and out of three countries, and some people just completely surpass border control and show no identification when passing between one country and the next. This area annually generates over $6 billion of illicit money and is nearly devoid of all governmental control. Most governments among the TBA deny the problem claiming they have not detected activity in the regions, but other countries disagree. It is vital that Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina start paying closer attention to the border in order to stop trafficking among other illicit activity. The Argentine government’s multilateral approach to stopping trafficking by educating, training, raising awareness, and implementing better border control will help to decrease trafficking rates in Argentina, and eventually put a stop to it. Thank you for your time, Melanie Rose Sources:
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