Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How Word Order Affects Spanish Adjectives
How Word Order Affects Spanish Adjectives Put an adjective before a noun or after the noun in Spanish, and usually it makes only a subtle difference, if any, in the meaning. But there are some cases where the placement of the adjective makes significant enough of a difference that we would translate it differently in English. For an example, take the following two sentences: Tengo un viejo amigo. Tengo un amigo viejo. A safe translation of these two sentences would be fairly easy to come up with: I have an old friend. But what does that mean? Does it mean that my friend is elderly? Or does it mean that the person has been a friend for a long time? Word Order Can Remove Ambiguity It may surprise you to find out that in Spanish the sentences arent so ambiguous, for viejo can be understood differently depending on where it is in relation to the noun that is described. Word order does make a difference. In this case, tengo un viejo amigo typically means I have a longtime friend, and tengo un amigo viejo typically means I have an elderly friend. Similarly, someone who has been a dentist for a long time is un viejo dentista, but a dentist who is old is un dentista viejo. Of course it is possible to be both - but in that case the word order will indicate what youre emphasizing. Viejo is far from the only adjective that functions that way, although the distinctions arent nearly always as strong as they are with viejo. Here are examples of some of the more common such adjectives. Context still matters, so you shouldnt consider the meanings to always be consistent with whats listed here, but these are guidelines to pay attention to: antiguo: la antigua silla, the old-fashioned chair; la silla antigua, the antique chairgrande: un gran hombre, a great man; un hombre grande, a big manmedio: una media galleta, half a cookie; una galleta media, an average-size or medium-size cookiemismo: el mismo atleta, the same athlete; el atleta mismo, the athlete himselfnuevo: el nuevo libro, the brand-new book, the newly acquired book; el libro nuevo, the newly made bookpobre: esa pobre mujer, that poor woman (in the sense of being pitiful); esa mujer pobre, that woman who is poorpropio: mis propios zapatos, my own shoes; mis zapatos propios, my appropriate shoessolo: un solo hombre, only one man; un hombre solo, a lonely mantriste: un triste viaje, a dreadful trip; un viaje triste, a sad tripà ºnico: la à ºnica estudiante, the only student; la estudiante à ºnica, the unique studentvaliente: una valiente persona, a great person (this is often used ironically); una persona valiente (a brave person) You may notice a pattern above: When placed after a noun, the adjective tends to add a somewhat objective meaning, while placed before it often provides an emotional or subjective meaning. These meanings arent always hard and fast and can depend to a certain extent on context. For example, antigua silla might also refer to a well-used chair or a chair with a long history. Some of the words also have other meanings; solo, for example, can also mean alone. And in some cases, as with nuevo, placement can also be a matter of emphasis rather than simply of meaning. But this list does provide a guide that should be useful in helping determine the meaning of some double-meaning adjectives. Sample Sentences and Placement of Adjectives El nuevo telà ©fono de Apple tiene una precio de entrada de US$999. (Apples brand-new phone has an entry price of $999 U.S. Nuevo here adds an element of emotion, suggesting that the phone offers desirable new features or is something otherwise fresh or innovative.) Siga las instrucciones para conectar el telà ©fono nuevo. (Follow the instructions in order to connect the new phone. Nuevo says only that the phone was recently purchased.) El mundo sabe que Venezuela hoy es un pobre paà s rico. (The world knows that Venezuela today is a poor rich country. Pobre suggests in part that Venezuela is poor in spirit despite the riches at its disposal. El economista chino dice que China ya no es un paà s pobre, aunque tenga millones de personas que viven en la pobreza. (The Chinese economist says that China still isnt a poor country, although its has millions of people living in poverty. Pobre here likely refers only to financial wealth.)
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Pros and Cons Arguments For Abstinence
10 Pros and Cons Arguments For Abstinence Approaches to teenage pregnancy prevention split down the middle between two schools of thought: abstinence (waiting until marriage to have sex)sex education (including contraceptive information and HIV prevention) Both sides argue that their approach is effective, especially in light of the continuing decline in teen pregnancy rates and teen birth rates. Whether thats true or not, one fact is clear: the rates in recent years have hit record lows. So is this due to the push in abstinence-only education programs, or in broader and more comprehensive sex education programs that provide teens with information about contraception and HIV prevention? To consider the role of abstinence or sex education in teenage pregnancy prevention, it helps to consider both sides of the argument. Below are links to both sides of the issue 10 arguments for abstinence as the best form of pregnancy prevention for teens and 10 arguments against abstinence a total of 20 arguments representing each perspective on the abstinence/sex education debate. Ten Arguments For Abstinence Abstinence from sex is the only form of pregnancy prevention that is 100% effective. Every method of contraception has a risk of failure, however, small, but a teen who practices abstinence will never become pregnant.Teens who abstain from sexual activity also avoid the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).Teens who practice abstinence are much less likely to experience a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, drop out of high school, engage in substance abuse, or feel pressured into having sex all risk factors for teens who explore and become sexually active at an early age.A teen who practices abstinence and is in a romantic relationship is secure in the knowledge that her/his partner is not interested in them purely for sex a concern of many teens.Some studies indicate that couples enjoy greater relationship satisfaction when they delay having sex until they are seriously dating, engaged or married.Teens are at a stage in life in which theyre already emotionally vulnerable. Getting involved in a sexual relationship increases that vulnerability and the chances of being hurt or used by a partner. By abstaining from sex, its a lot easier to figure out if a relationship or a person is good for you. Studies have revealed a connection between low self-esteem and early sexual activity. A teen who deliberately chooses to wait to have sexual intercourse is less likely to look to a relationship for validation and may be more self-reliant.Some teens use sex as a way to achieve intimacy and closeness with someone, but this is an artificial way of doing so. Teens who practice abstinence build relationships with partners based on mutual likes and dislikes, common approaches to life, and shared interests and develop a more authentic relationship that can better stand the test of time.Abstinence may help students do better in school. According to the American Journal of Health studies, students in abstinence-only education programs demonstrate better GPAs and improved verbal and numerical aptitude skills.... stronger peer relations, positive youth development, and...[greater] aware[ness] of the consequences of risky behavior, such as teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.Abstinen ce costs nothing and there are no side effects as there are with oral contraceptives and many other forms of pregnancy prevention. Sources: Elias, Marilyn. Study pinpoints factors for early sex. USAToday.com. 12 November 2007.Lawrence, S.D. Abstinence Only Sex Ed Has Unexpected Benefit: Math Gains? Educationnews.com. 13 March 2012.McCarthy, Ellen. The Literature: Delaying sex seems to lead to a more satisfying relationship, study finds. Washingtonpost.com. 31 October 2010.Salzman, Brock Alan. An argument for abstinence and commitment: Implications For Sex Education and Counseling. Teen-aid.org. Retrieved 25 May 2012.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Excercise and Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Excercise and Obesity - Essay Example That is, too high caloric intake and too low caloric consumption. A lot of researches about obesity have focused on factors that lead to this imbalance. This paper will basically examine the relationship between obesity and exercise (duration of exercise). Some statistical results suggest that exercise has a negative and statistically significant effect on the probability of being obese. However, taking into consideration the potential endogeneity of exercise duration in the BMI regressions, some studies suggests that there is no negative relationship between obesity and exercise (Plowman & Smith, 2008). Studies that have been carried out to determine the relationship between obesity and exercise; and quite a number of the studies have resulted in general results that obesity is negatively related to the duration of exercise. The studies have generalized a sample to a population. Assumptions are vital concept of empirical studies. Just like any other empirical study, this study applies some statistical assumptions in order to achieve the much needed results. These assumptions include: The following statistical tools can be useful in determining the relationship between obesity and exercise. Correlation techniques can be used to determine the relationship between obesity and exercise. The independent variable of the study is exercise while the dependent variable is obesity. The study can mainly duel on correlation and regression for data analysis. The analysis may involve getting the correlation and regression coefficients for both the variables that affect obesity and that influence duration of income. Correlation coefficient is important in showing whether and how strongly age and income status are related. The study is linear in nature hence Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient can be used to determine the strength and direction of the linear relationship between exercise and obesity. The value of Pearson’s correlation coefficient is influenced
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Describe the technology infrastructure management activities of an Essay
Describe the technology infrastructure management activities of an organisation that is engaging in e-commerce in a substantial - Essay Example Enhancing output, falling expenditure and increasing facilities for customers have been some of significant viable components in any winning organization. In addition, geography, as well as structures of procedures is not enjoying the significance as vital factors, as medium organizations are now benefiting from the platform of internet to sell their goods and services and pierce new markets in the enormously little period. Ivy Incorporation is a company in a developing location with the populace of approximately three million. Analysis has indicated that it exists in a very minute business platform with inadequate natural assets that finished it nearly impractical to depend on such resources for its expansion (Pacey, 2000, 524-632). Encouraged by advances within internet and web, Ivy Incorporation is stepping into the IT era, where information is enjoying its status as a major force behind its viable achievement. Moreover, Ivy incorporation has recognized significance of information assets within novel financial system and need to spend in its populace to continue viable (Zack et al., 2009). With Ivy incorporation situated as the information entrance within region, company’s objective to develop into the international core is striking to a number of firms with worldwide procedures. Ivy incorporation has started ‘e-commerce plan’ (Zack et al., 2009) to encourage e-business and to persuade industry to take benefit of its infrastructure. In particular, experts have indicated that e-commerce is ‘employment of inter-networked computers to make and convert business relation. The wide definition of e-commerce is that it is dependent on digital communication and information technology’ (Estache, et al., 2002, 41-93). In this regard, one can say that e-business is expected to simplify the processes of business, while also making the business more competent to survive in the world today. The typical functions of an e-business include the online selling and purchasing of goods, services and information. ‘This business definition of e-commerce could be broader or narrower’ (Estache, et al., 2002, 41-93). E-business is one of these broader terms used to describe these in the narrow sense of the word. A narrow definition, on the other hand, states that it is a transactional feature. Basically, e-commerce is any series of transactions where goods and services are traded through computer networks. This applies to both open and congested networks. Electronic Commerce Hotbed It is the scheme to deal with vital matters related to e-commerce endorsement, as well as accomplishment. Methodology selected is to band assets of main participants of electronic commerce, for example, IT firms, traders, communications suppliers, decision makers, as well as examiners (Yoon, 2006, 351-65). Together with business allies, for example, IT organizations and financial associations, company has formed communications system to fa cilitate procedures of e-commerce, for example, ‘e-banking, e-payment services and various agent e-commerce services’ (Kunigami et al., 2010, 98-105). In particular, the hotbed of e-commerce is concerned on 7 most important elements (Shirky, 2008, 924-1023). These areas consist of: ‘
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Digital Bangladesh Essay Example for Free
Digital Bangladesh Essay Bangladesh is a developing country. She achieved independence 42 years ago but still she depends on foreign helps regarding many issues. She is trapped in a lot of problems such as poverty, over population, unemployment, corruption, health hazard, food and accommodation crisis, illiteracy etc. But, the present government has promised and started taking steps to change the situation and has determined to build a â€Å"Digital Bangladesh†. The sense of Digital Bangladesh is not clear yet. We assume that the gov. wants to make Bd fully digitalized by the year of 2021 through application of third generation information and communication technology. It was an election manifesto(2008) of Awami League, one of the leading political parties of Bangladesh. The philosophy of Digital Bangladesh comprises ensuring people’s democracy and human rights, transparency, accountability, establishing justice and ensuring delivery of gov. services to the citizens through maximum use of technology with the overall improvement of the daily lifestyle of people of all classes. The government further emphasized on the four elements of DB Visions which are: human resource development, people development, civil services and use of information technology in all possible sectors. It is not only e-governance or e-commerce or e-banking or operating a country wide mobile phone network, it is a combination of all of them. It is a country-wide application of 3G ICT to institutionalize the best management practices in every sectors and sub-sectors. The scope of Digital Bangladesh is very wide. It includes the following substances: democracy and effective parliament, political framework, decentralization of power and people’s participation, good governance through establishing rule of law and avoiding political partisanship, corruption free society, empowerment and equal rights for women, economic development and initiative, infrastructural development, environment etc. To digitalize Bangladesh with 3G technology in 12 years is fairly ambitious. It needs strong commitment and strategic planning for sustainable Digital Bangladesh. The starting must focus on developing infrastructure in terms of hardware, software and manpower. Merely buying millions of computers and distributing among several thousand workstations in educational institutions, commercial and medical organizations will not digitalize Bangladesh. Local qualified manpower must be available to run the system without depending on foreign experts. To produce such human resources, government must assign highest priority to the improvement of science, technology and management education and develop our own manpower. Unless we perform the basic terms, Digital Bangladesh will make Bangladesh highly vulnerable by making dependent on those nations that manufacture, control and distribute ICT. Sustainability is more imp than starting. If we fail to manage a sustainable digital Bangladesh with our own resources, Digital Bangladesh 2021 will harm rather than benefit the nation. But if we succeed, Bangladesh will achieve independence literally.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Response to The Fish By Elizabeth Bishop Essay -- Poetry Poem Fish Eli
Response to "The Fish" By Elizabeth Bishop I chose to respond to Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish" because the poem seems so simple, yet there is much to gather from reading it. This is a narrative poem told in the first person about a woman who catches a fish on a rented boat and, after staring at him for a while, decides to throw him back. The narrator of this poem goes through a series of stages in which she is at first detached from the fish, then intrigued by him, and then finally sympathetic towards him. In the very first lines of Bishop's poem, the narrator catches the fish and treats him as such. "I caught a tremendous fish / and held him beside the boat / half out of water, with my hook / fast in a corner of his mouth" (Bishop 665). She has just caught a fish and is in the process of bringing him onto the boat. She seems very disconnected from this fish, who is just the target of a sport--fishing. When she gets the chance to take a good look at him, it seems that her view changes from detachment to curiosity and admiration. She notices that the fish doesn't struggl...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Baby Bargains
According to Buckland’s journal Information as Thing, information is situational. As such, it must be useful to a user in a particular situation to be considered relevant. The book Baby Bargains is both useful and relevant to all first-time parents in preparation for the upcoming addition to their household by providing guidance on how and where to buy quality baby necessities at a reasonable cost. Baby Bargains was first published and made available to the public in 1994 and has experienced an extended shelf life due to its updated editions.This now well-known work entered the information lifecycle some 13 years earlier destined to be updated and adapted for years to come. Baby Bargains has metamorphasized and gone through multiple adaptations with a companion television talk show and the addition of a website and blog. The Baby Bargains concept is a prime example of the dissemination, retrieval and use of relevant information. To understand its progression through the inform ation lifecycle it is helpful to examine how it fills an end user’s need, the birth of the first edition and subsquent publishing history as well as its eventual transformation into a website.Need My initial encounter with Baby Bargains occurred during my pregnancy in July of 2005, when I was given the book by a friend. Since it was the first child for my husband and myself, we were excited but at the same time apprehensive over our lack of knowledge. There are literally millions of couples with the same need for knowledge, as evidenced by the extreme popularity of nonfiction books regarding pregnancy, childbirth and preparation for a new baby. Creation Denise and Alan Fields, who co-wrote Baby Bargains, were first time parents at one time, too.Inspired by the birth of their own sons Ben and Jack, the Fields launched a consumer crusade to find the best deals for new parents and ultimately published Baby Bargains. Baby Bargains is a well-researched, comprehensive resource for parents-to-be. The authors combined their own experience with extensive investigation and interviews with more than a thousand first-time parents across the country to compile the information presented in the book. It provides insights into which baby products are top rated and which are not recommended due to price and/or dearth of function.Baby Bargains is organized into chapters categorized by type of product. Each chapter contains a list of items necessary for the expectant parent with easy-to-read charts that allows users to compare these products in terms of price, quality, brand name, and durability. The charts include a summary and brief explanation of the content of an item in an compact, uncomplicated format that is clear and provides an easy way for users to visualize the comparisons. According to Robert Taylor’s â€Å"Value Added Model†, this book adds ACCESS 3 (subject summary) value by using charts.The chapters and their corresponding charts are quite com prehensive yet ergonomic for the average consumer. Publishing and dissemination Since the first edition of Baby Bargains was published in 1994, the popularity of the book garnered nearly instant notoriety for the Fields. The list of commercial marketing appearances the authors have enjoyed include features on Oprah, NBC’s Dateline, ABC’s 20/20, The Today Show as well as newspaper and magazine articles written about the couple and their book. Print editions of Baby Bargains now exceed 700,000 copies.In order to keep the information current, seven editions have been created with the addition of new products and updates on existing items. Revisions include current product values as well as reliability and validity results of the products tested. The authors strive to keep Baby Bargains as up-to-date as possible; about 30 – 40% of the content changes with each edition. These updates ensure the book remains current and a valuable resource to the end user. Retrieval a nd use According to Trent Hill’s lecture on Knowledge Organization, metadata refers to document attributes, document structure, and relations between documents.Several pieces of metadata are attached to the book and website of Baby Bargains. The metadata used to describe the book’s attributes include the title, authors (the Fields are well-known consumer writers), date, edition, description of illustrations, and call number. The website’s metadata is the web domain name (www. babybargains. com) and the fact that it is based on the Baby Bargains print edition. Modification and transformation In 1996, www. babybargains. com was formed to be a companion to, and include information from, the book.When viewed within the FRBR model, Baby Bargains encompasses a complex maze of works, expressions, manifestations, and items. Baby Bargains the book is a work and the companion website is an additional work; each has a unique theme and data. There is one example of an expre ssion of the book in its publication. The book has not been translated into other languages but each edition is published by Windsor Peak Press. There are seven manifestations of the book in the form of its prior updated editions, which are published roughly every two years.The Baby Bargains website consists of two overt expressions. One of these is the information that paralells the book and the other expression is the blog which provides current news on baby products including safety recalls and price changes. Bonus material and a message board for users’ interaction complete the comprehensive nature of the website. When each new edition of Baby Bargains is released, registered website users are encouraged to read the updated version of the book in order to obtain the latest information due to changes of content.This has worked well for the Fields as being an inexpensive yet effective method for informing users about updates and and changes to the print version. A blog link was also added to the website, giving the authors yet another forum for advertising new editions and updates in a timely manner. A message board on the site links users and provides a forum for asking questions and receiving answers, opening the lines of communication between parties with a shared interest. Collection Baby Bargains is a piece from the collections of both public and personal libraries.It is also available through the University of Washington library catalog system. The print book is not owned by the University library nor the summit libraries although it can be obtained through interlibrary loan. According to Matt Saxton’s lecture on â€Å"What is a Collection? †, a collection has certain information for certain audiences. Baby Bargains is not an ordinary part of an academic library’s collection since these institutions do not collect what is considered to be a consumer book. Searching for this workI obtained the work Baby Bargains very easily à ¢â‚¬â€œ through a friend of mine during my pregnancy. It is available in a large variety of bookstores and can be located without any searching effort or retrieval process. Editions of Baby Bargains starting with the 4th and continuing through the current edition are easily accessed through the public library catalog system where they can be directly compared side by side. The Baby Bargains website and blog comes up quickly and easily within the first two listings by using the online search engine Google. ClosingThis assignment caused me to think in fresh ways about how information is disseminated and updated. I feel I was challenged to examine the meaning and purpose of metadata in information systems, as well as the process by which information becomes a work, an expression, and a manifestation. The information lifecycle provides a valuable framework for understanding information such as that which is contained in Baby Bargains throughout its development and as a whole. It is part iculalry useful as a foundation upon which to build my study of library and information science.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Informative Essay About Advertisement and Slogans Essay
In 1970, the New York Times has published an advertisement for a book with the final rating â€Å"It is the Real Thing! †, a slogan generally used by the Coca-Cola company in presenting their product. This situation arouses the question whether it is infringement or not using this theme for the diary of a Harlem Schoolteacher by Jim Haskins. This essay will contain arguments against the possibility to use this theme. On the one hand there always is a connection between company and its marketing slogans and on the other hand these slogans are important and valuable for companies in brand-building and marketing. There always is a certain connection between a company or product and its useful slogans. If people think of the sentence â€Å"It’s the real thing! †most of them must think unwillingly of the caffeinated drink Coca-Cola. Advertisements using this slogan have been shown regularly on TV, in magazines, on posters or even on radio for many years, always connected with the Coca-Cola Company. In this way this connection enters the subconscious of many people. It is possible that feelings can be involved with this connection or maybe there are good experiences, which people are sharing when they read or hear this word order. It’s the Real Thing†has become part of our cultural vocabulary and this is why no other products would better fit to that slogan than Coca-Cola. That connection cannot be broken. As you can see there always will be a connection between a company and its product and their slogans. Slogans and catchphrases are very important and valuable for companies in brand-building and marketing. The reason why companies trademark their creative and catchy sentences is that they can be sure that there will not be another firm, which could use those slogans for its advertisements. This shows that slogans can play a huge role in selling a product. They represent the product and stand for the work quality of a company and people will refer to slogans. If a company’s product shows quality and simultaneously offers a catchy and creative slogan, there would be automatically a brand-building of that company. Mr. Herbert, an executive of the Coca-Cola company, thinks if the real thing would be used by another company, it â€Å"would dilute the distinctiveness of the trade slogan and diminish its effectiveness and value as an advertising and merchandising tool†(Herbert). He feels it necessary to have the assurance that only the Coca-Cola company has the right to use this signature saying. In the end it becomes clear that slogans are important and valuable for companies in brand-building and marketing. In conclusion, this trademarked slogan cannot be used in advertising another product than drinks of Coca-Cola. Slogans are important in connecting the product with the people and they are also valuable for companies in brand-building and marketing and this is why Groove Press must discontinue the use of â€Å"It’s the real thing†.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The NCLEX Everything You Need to Know
The NCLEX Everything You Need to Know If you’re thinking about becoming a nurse, that’s great news. Nursing is a healthcare field that can always use more great, qualified professionals to keep up with ever-increasing demand. How Do I Become a Nurse?Your first move will be completing a nursing education program. At a minimum, you’ll need certificate in Nursing (which takes about a year to complete) from an accredited school, but depending on your long-term nursing goals, an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree might be the right first step.Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN): This is typically a two-year program offered by an accredited college or university. The program is targeted directly at the science and clinical skills you’ll need to get started as a licensed nurse.Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BS/BSN): This is a four-year degree offered by an accredited college or university. This degree provides a comprehensive background in the sciences (biology, chemistry, human g rowth and development, anatomy and physiology, psychology, and nutrition, among others), as well as nursing theory and humanities. Students also learn the necessary clinical skills.After practicing in the field, some nurses opt to pursue a Master of Science degree in Nursing (MS/MSN), Doctor of Philosophy degree in Nursing (PhD), or a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree to prepare for advanced, research, or leadership roles.As you finish your education, you’ll also need to decide whether you’d like to become a licensed Registered Nurse (RN) or Practical Nurse (PN). What’s the difference between those, you ask?RNs typically have an AS degree or a BS degree in nursing. RNs are found anywhere there are nurses, but are usually employed in hospital or clinical settings. Their many duties include:Administering medications and treatments to patientsCoordinating care plansPerforming diagnostic testsEducating patients on careOverseeing medical teamsThe median annual salary for RNs is $66,640, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.LPNs typically have a one-year certificate in nursing, and tend to work more in long-term care roles (nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, and the like). Their many duties include:Checking vital signsInserting cathetersAssisting patients with daily tasks and self-careThe median annual salary for PNs is $42,490, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Depending on your career path choice (RN or PN), there are different requirements for licensing.How Do I Get Licensed?Every state requires its nurses to be certified and licensed, so once you’ve got your completed degree in hand, you’ll need to go through the certification process. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) requires prospective nurses to pass one of two National Council Licensure Examinations (NCLEX): the NCLEX-RN or the NCLEX-PN.The NCLEX-RN TestThe NCLEX-RN is a test required for Registered Nurse (RN) candidates. The NCLEX-RN is designed to test the knowledge, skills and abilities essential for entry-level nurses. It is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), meaning there are no pencil-and-paper test booklets to be found. Test takers sit for the exam at dedicated testing centers, and answer questions entirely on screen. Most questions are multiple-choice, though there may also be questions that call for multiple responses, responding to a chart or other visual element, fill-in-the-blank, or responding to an audio clip. The questions are drawn from a bank that covers these areas:Safe and Effective Care EnvironmentManagement of CareSafety and Infection ControlHealth Promotion and MaintenancePsychosocial IntegrityPhysiological IntegrityBasic Care and ComfortPharmacological and Parenteral TherapiesReduction of Risk PotentialPhysiological AdaptationIt’s important to note that every test-taker’s exam is different: the candidate may see anywhere from 75 to 265 questions on the NCLEX-PN. The average candi date answers 119 questions per exam, though all candidates have a full six hours to complete the test. (Most people take about two and a half hours.)And unlike most standardized tests, you won’t receive a numerical score at the end. The test ends when the candidate is determined to be above or below the pass/fail point, with 95% certainty. If you’re above that line, great- you’ve passed your NCLEX-RN! If you’re not, well, you’ll get ‘em next time! [via Elsevier]The NCLEX-PN TestThe NCLEX-PN is a test required for Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) candidates. The NCLEX-PN is designed to test the knowledge, skills and abilities essential for entry-level nurses. Like the NCLEX-RN, it is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), so you can toss your number 2 pencils.Also like the NCLEX-RN, most questions are multiple-choice, though there may also be questions that call for multiple responses, responding to a chart or other visual element, fill-in-the-blank, o r responding to an audio clip. The questions are drawn from a bank that covers these areas:Safe and Effective Care EnvironmentCoordinated CareSafety and Infection ControlHealth Promotion and MaintenancePsychosocial IntegrityPhysiological IntegrityBasic Care and ComfortPharmacological and Parenteral TherapiesReduction of Risk PotentialPhysiological AdaptationIt’s important to note that every test-taker’s exam is different: the candidate may see anywhere from 85 to 205 questions on the NCLEX-PN. Regardless of how many questions you’re asked, all candidates have a full five hours to complete the test.For the NCLEX-PN, you won’t receive a specific score at the end. The test ends when the candidate is determined to be above or below the pass/fail point, with 95% certainty. If you don’t complete the exam or don’t pass the exam, you can retake it as necessary.How Do I Register for My NCLEX?The NCLEX has a two-step registration process.Submit a lice nsing application to your state’s Board of Nursing. This step is necessary for you to be eligible to sit for the NCLEX. If you register for the test but forget to first submit your application, your registration will be active for aRegister online with the test maker’s site, or by phone.For more information about registering for the NCLEX, see the NCSBN’s website.If you’re thinking about the NCLEX getting ready to take those essential steps toward a challenging, rewarding career as a nurse, that’s fantastic! We here at the Job Network are here to support your career every step of the way. Good luck!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Learn About the History of Hyperbaric Chambers
Learn About the History of Hyperbaric Chambers Hyperbaric chambers are used for a mode of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in which the patient breathes 100 percent oxygen at pressures greater than normal atmospheric (sea level) pressure. Hyperbaric Chambers and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy In Use for Centuries Hyperbaric chambers and hyperbaric oxygen therapy have been in use for centuries, as early as 1662. However, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used clinically since the mid-1800s. HBO was tested and developed by the U.S. Military after World War I. It has been used safely since the 1930s to help treat deep sea divers with decompression sickness. Clinical trials in the 1950s uncovered a number of beneficial mechanisms from exposure to hyperbaric oxygen chambers. These experiments were the forerunners of contemporary applications of HBO in the clinical setting. In 1967, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) was founded to foster the exchange of data on the physiology and medicine of commercial and military diving. The Hyperbaric Oxygen Committee was developed by the UHMS in 1976 to oversee the ethical practice of hyperbaric medicine. Oxygen Treatments Oxygen was discovered independently by the Swedish apothecary Karl W. Scheele in 1772, and by the English amateur chemist Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) in August 1774. In 1783, the French physician Caillens was the first doctor reported to have used oxygen therapy as a remedy. In 1798, the Pneumatic Institution for inhalation gas therapy was founded by Thomas Beddoes (1760-1808), a physician-philosopher, in Bristol, England. He employed Humphrey Davy (1778-1829), a brilliant young scientist as superintendent of the Institute, and the engineer James Watt (1736-1819), to help manufacture the gases. The institute was an outgrowth of the new knowledge about gases (such as oxygen and nitrous oxide) and their manufacture. However, therapy was based on Beddoes generally incorrect assumptions about disease; for example, Beddoes assumed that some diseases would naturally respond to a higher or lower oxygen concentration. As might be expected, the treatments offered no real clinical benefit, and the Institute succumbed in 1802. How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or tube. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has long been used to treat decompression sickness, a hazard of scuba diving. Other conditions treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include serious infections, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, and wounds that wont heal as a result of diabetes or radiation injury. In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased to three times higher than normal air pressure. When this happens, your lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. Your blood then carries this oxygen throughout your body which helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. Your bodys tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to survive. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. An increase in blood oxygen temporarily restores normal levels of blood gases and tissue function to promote healing and fight infection.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Lobbying as Legitimate Aspect of Corporate Behavior Essay
Lobbying as Legitimate Aspect of Corporate Behavior - Essay Example It is a deliberate attempt on part of the lobbyists with the motive of influencing political decisions using various forms of advocacy and it is directed at the ones who form up these policies on behalf of another person, organization and/or group(s). There are clients who are either individual beings or organized interests such as businesses organizations, labour unions, organizations who work as not-for-profit and trade associations who hire lobbyists who do their work for them. In the organization, the lobbyist is hired in the Government Relations function or they can even be outside individuals or firms (Wood, 2002). The main purpose of the lobbyist is to develop various strategies and tactics so as to gain access, inform, influence and pressurize. These methods and strategies can be developed by designing a lobbying campaign. Lastly, it should be known that these lobbying campaigns are directed towards policy makers whose job is to make policies which affect the well being of th e client, the European Union public, all sorts of communities which exist on local, national and international levels plus the president and the future generations to come. Since their decisions affect a whole variety of people, lobbying is playing a very important role in this process. There can be many methods in which lobbyists do this. For example, they can do this by using their personal reputation, out of professional obligation or the rapport that they have cultivated overtime. These means are used to achieve political goals such as gaining the trust of the authorities so as to gain access so that the lobbyists can share his opinions and viewpoints which will influence their decisions in the making of the public policy (Wood, 2002). There can be other types of influences as well such as positional influence which depends on the place that a lobbyist has in the public realm in which he is expressing his viewpoint. (Karen, 1978) Moreover, it is a term which is highly controversial and is always regulated by the Government and specifically defined so that organized group lobbying does not take a negative aspect and misuse this term. The term lobbying has originated from the concept of everyone sitting in the lobbies and having a discussion before and after parliamentary debates in the Houses of Parliament. These discussions usually gave way to the fact that certain legislators could manipulate or influence others without even them knowing that they are getting influenced by the discussion. Lobbying is a very subliminal process. Clever and ethical lobbying results in winning a lot of thing for the organization, such as better strategies, efficient resources, fruitful recommendations for the company and helps in the compliance which is ongoing. Lobbying has always been a controversial term in the sense that people tend to think it leads to corruption and this is not false. Lobbying can change the mind set of an individual to a mind set that the individual himself does not want to adapt to. Therefore, many jurisdictions have been created which require that men who are playing the role of lobbyists get themselves formally registered with the authorities before they come in contact with the Government representations that they
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